Our Pledge to You

We at Global Trade Consortium understand that whether you are buying domestically or internationally, the process can often be challenging and complicated. So, as a team we aim to ensure that any issues our customers may have, with any aspect of our services, are efficiently dealt with. Please be assured that we shall endeavour to do our utmost to correct and compensate our customers concerns as quickly as possible.

Our Ultimate customer service goal is to support our team achieve a “successful sale and expedient delivery for all customers” and in order to do so we will utilize our expertise to ensure the highest standards of customer satisfaction throughout our sales cycle.

Where orders are not 100% as hoped, please find below the customer claim form, for your use; please complete the form so that we can efficiently obtain the details of any claims or issues you may have and respond quickly to your queries.

Please find attached the Claim form

Once completed please email to our customer service desk at offers@globaltradeconsortium.co.uk and copy in your sales person. Once we have received your claim we will:

  • First; Send you an email to confirm receipt of your claim.

  • We will then go on to Investigate your complaint.

    • By reviewing your ‘Claim Form’ and any evidence submitted to support your claim, and by Reviewing our internal documents and procedures.

  • Following our investigation, we will email you to Inform you of our findings.

  • And lastly, we will take any corrective actions that are required by our team

We take all customer queries and complaints seriously and wish to resolve all matters as soon as reasonably possible.

Lastly, if we have not resolved your complaint within 4 weeks, or you are not happy with our ‘Final Response’ to your complaint, you have the right to refer your complaint to our management team by:

Sending an email to offers@globaltradeconsortium.co.uk.

We thank you very much for your patience and we will ensure that your concerns are handled in a timely and professional manner.

Step 1: Please read the instructions to ensure that you provide all the relevant details of your claim.

Step 2: You can find the claim form at the bottom of this page ‘Claim Form’, please click on the link which will enable you to download the ‘Claim Form.’

Step 3: Once you have downloaded the form; please enter the information as requested, with as much detail as possible. - Please not that all unloading should be conducted with Photographic or Video Evidence – claims submitted without this evidence are likely to be rejected.

 Step 4: Once the form is completed please email to offers@globaltradeconsortium.co.uk and copy in your sales person’s email address.

  • If you have any specific action’s that you would like us to take, please write these in the notes section of the form.

  • Please note that whatever the issue, you can be assured that individual claims and queries will be looked at and where we are at fault, we will do as much as reasonably possible to put it right.


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